Why do we use blockchain technology?

One of the main factors deterring the purchase of carbon credits in the voluntary market is represented by fears of phenomena such as green washing and double counting which have recently hit the headlines due to some sensational cases which have occurred on international markets.


Facade ecology
In order to avoid green washing we offer the market high quality credits, derived from the careful application of the QUALITY criteria proposed by the EU.

Double counting

Double counting of the carbon credit
The removal certificate visible to anyone in the public register will contain specific information such as: ownership, place of production, geolocation and applied methodology. The information that makes the certificate unique will be made immutable thanks to the use of the blockchain.

We have decided to use blockchain technology to permanently, securely and immutably track our carbon credit removal (CDR) certificates.

Blockchain technology within our platform is characterized by the following advantages:

It generates a dematerialized security (NFT) certifying ownership of the CDR as well as the data that makes it unique.

It keeps track of who generated the CDR (Carbon Remover), who purchases it and the use of the CDR (compensation, resale, conservation), recording each change in status over time.

It guarantees at any time the backward traceability of the generation path of the CO2 removed by the owner of the NFT and the geolocation of the CO2 removed incorporated into the individual CDR

It guarantees the uniqueness of each CDR (embedded in the NFT), the non-repeatability of the purchase, the non-repeatability of the use in compensation, certified by the distributed public register

It guarantees secure and immutable transactions on the purchase and sale of NFTs, offering total transparency of the market dynamics that determine the formation of the purchase price and sale price of the different families of NFTs.


Facade ecology
In order to avoid green washing we offer the market high quality credits, derived from the careful application of the QUALITY criteria proposed by the EU.

Double counting

Double counting of the carbon credit
The removal certificate visible to anyone in the public register will contain specific information such as: ownership, place of production, geolocation and applied methodology. The information that makes the certificate unique will be made immutable thanks to the use of the blockchain.